Introduction: The SARS-COV2 pandemic has transformed several aspects of our daily lives, we have already experienced profound changes in our society and behavior, and it was only possible to keep part of the gear of life functioning thanks to technology. But it is not possible to talk about technology without talking about digital transformation.
The technology applied to medicine provides health professionals with greater access to information and tools that convey evidence-based medicine are essential. Among them we can mention databases such as Medline, PubMed, Embase, Cochrane and UpToDate platform. The COVID 19 pandemic has further accelerated this digital transformation process, instituting changes that are here to stay.
Objectives: Today in Brazil, we have an average of 7,000 oncologists and 3,000 hematologists. We know that access to information in a foreign language, even English, is still a problem. The excess of information, and the difficulty of reading scientific publications critically, are another obstacle in medical education in a developing country. The objective of this project is to expand access to information, in continues medical education model, to improve public and private health in the area of hematology.
Methods: The hematology team at Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein (HIAE), associated with the HIAE digital transformation laboratory, developed a healthtech platform, called, aiming to make available several updated technical content in different formats: podcasts, videos , discussion of clinical cases, analysis of scientific articles in the form of visual abstracts, reviews of relevant topics in text format. The initiative is supported by the most important national hematology Societies. Discussion: We know that healthtech platforms have transformed medical practice. An online survey of clinicians at the Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital described the following effects among UpToDate users: 95% reported that UpToDate was integral for making decisions, 94% reported that they had changed diagnosis, 95% reported that UpToDate led to a change in patient management, 97% said UpToDate helps them provide the best care for their patients, 90% reported that UpToDate makes them a better doctor, 96% reported made them more comfortable with their decisions. PubMed makes it possible to identify references and summaries of articles from the Medline database, maintained by the National Library of Medicine. PubMed provides several tools to make the search more efficient, unknown to most doctors.
Conclusion: The development of aims to create a digital platform that integrates specialists in the area, creating a continuous process of education, and integrating professionals in a developing country, seeking to standardize medical practice in different regions and health services in Brazil, creating an interconnected social network and practicing evidence-based medicine.
No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.
Author notes
Asterisk with author names denotes non-ASH members.